The Documented Life Project
The Documented Life Project: Week 22 & Week 23
Slowly playing catch up.
The week 22 prompt was to draw, paint or sketch a house.
Before having surgery during this week I was able to create the page about the local farm and the house. I was still not feeling very creative this week as I was stressing about the surgery. The rest of the pages I created last week.
Besides pages based on the week’s events I also created a spread about the hallucination I had during surgery. The anesthesiologist gave me some extra meds to insure if the anesthesia didn’t work this time I would still not feel anything. The last time I had hand surgery with a different doctor the anesthesia didn’t work and I was awake and felt everything during the surgery. It was horrible. This time around it went a lot better. As the surgery started everything faded into a hallucination where I was surrounded by these huge floating cubes in the Ingress faction colors and I was jumping from one to the other with a small group of people. At one point I felt a little pain and suddenly a path appeared with a cute pink elephant and all I wanted to do was catch the pink elephant but every time I got close to it, it seemed to be further and further away. When the surgery was over the hallucination started to fade away and part of me didn’t want the pink elephant to go away.
I decided to attach the card I received after surgery that was signed by the surgical staff. On the back of the card I added pictures of the get well flowers my husband gave me. Hallucination The week 23 prompt was to practice gratitude and write what you are grateful for each day this week.
The Documented Life Project: Week 20 & 21
I’m a bit behind with the Documented Life Project prompts. These two however were created during the weeks prompts but I didn’t get a chance to post them. I had carpal tunnel surgery May 29th so I have been trying to take it easy. As of Friday restrictions have been lifted so I can start using my hand more, as well as continue doing at home hand therapy.
The week 20 prompt was to use a rubber stamp in a new way.
Everything on this page was done during week 20 except I changed the picture of Chessie a couple of weeks later because the one I had on there got messed up when tape got stuck to it. When I saw this prompt I immediately knew I wanted to create a cat. I like how it turned it. When creating the cat I accidentally used a distress ink pad instead of a regular ink pad and it took several days to dry.
The week 21 prompt was to add embroidery floss or thread to the page.
Don’t like how this one turned out. I wasn’t feeling very creative when I was doing this. Probably because I was worried about the surgery.
The Documented Life Project: Week 18 & 19
The prompt for week 18 was to add an inspiring quote.
I intended on using a nice font for my quote but spaced or something and did nothing different. I created the circles with india ink using a thin brush. The background is latex paint. The magazines last year used to have a coupon for free paint at Lowe’s. I picked up a few. When I use them I usually don’t gesso because the latex prevents anything from bleeding through. However it doesn’t make the pages thicker like gesso. For the quote page I did use gesso as I wanted to write the word fear in it. I probably should have made the gesso a little thicker so that the word would stand out a bit more.
Week 18 Fear written in the gesso. The prompt for week 19 was to write about a random act of kindness.
For this week I didn’t have anything to write about so I just used the two pages for the prompt. The background was created with 3 different latex paint colors. The branches were created with india ink using a dropper. The flowers were created with acrylic paint. I wrote about my random act of kindness on cardstock that I had painted and then glued it to the page.
Week 19 -
The Documented Life Project: Week 17
The week 17 prompt was to photograph or draw your favorite shoes.
I don’t have a favorite shoe. I also don’t own many pairs of shoes. I have never seen the point of owning so many shoes so I only own what I need. I decided to draw the sneakers that I use the most. I think it came out pretty well. Unfortunately I didn’t use watercolor paper so the paper I used was thin for watercolors and became a bit wrinkly. The background was dark and since the sneaker is black I decided to do a border so it would stand out a bit.
Here is an image of the actual shoe.
The Documented Life Project: Week 16
The week 16 prompt was to add cardboard from a food box in a creative way.
I used the cardboard from a gluten free cereal called Koala Crisps. The background is supposed to be a blueish grey and was supposed to be a wash but I didn’t use enough water. I was going to cut out a koala fact from the box but something else I cut out cut part of it so instead I just wrote it at the bottom.