The Documented Life Project: Week 22 & Week 23
Slowly playing catch up.
The week 22 prompt was to draw, paint or sketch a house.
Before having surgery during this week I was able to create the page about the local farm and the house. I was still not feeling very creative this week as I was stressing about the surgery. The rest of the pages I created last week.
Besides pages based on the week’s events I also created a spread about the hallucination I had during surgery. The anesthesiologist gave me some extra meds to insure if the anesthesia didn’t work this time I would still not feel anything. The last time I had hand surgery with a different doctor the anesthesia didn’t work and I was awake and felt everything during the surgery. It was horrible. This time around it went a lot better. As the surgery started everything faded into a hallucination where I was surrounded by these huge floating cubes in the Ingress faction colors and I was jumping from one to the other with a small group of people. At one point I felt a little pain and suddenly a path appeared with a cute pink elephant and all I wanted to do was catch the pink elephant but every time I got close to it, it seemed to be further and further away. When the surgery was over the hallucination started to fade away and part of me didn’t want the pink elephant to go away.

The week 23 prompt was to practice gratitude and write what you are grateful for each day this week.