Art Journaling
The Documented Life: Week 35
Week 35 – Draw, sketch, paint, doodle a face or cut and alter one from a book or magazine.
When I saw the prompt for this week I immediately knew I wanted to draw half of a woman’s face and have her hair be colorful and take up both pages. It didn’t quite come out as I had pictured it in my head and her face is a bit odd but I like it regardless. The face was created using Faber-Castell Pitt Brush Artist Pens. After coloring her face in I used a barely damp cloth to smooth out her skin color and soften the lines of her nose and mouth. For her hair I used gelatos and Faber-Castell Pitt Brush Artist Pens and for the writing I used Uniball Signo White Gell Pen.
The Documented Life: Weeks 33 & 34
Week 33 – Use “under paper”
I don’t normally use paper underneath my art. I have this plastic from a poster frame on my desk. It basically collects the excess paint. If its water soluble I will clean it up when I am done so that if I accidentally drip water it won’t reactivate and ruin whatever I am working on. If its something more permanent or harder to remove I will try to clean it up as soon as possible if not then I just leave it there. So for this prompt I thought I would have to purposely use paper under any projects I worked on for the week but I remembered there was one I had used during a project I had used distress ink on. I liked the pattern it created so I decided to use it. Since during this week it was Waffles birthday I decided to use a picture of him. When I glued the picture it reacted with the ink and changed colors in a few places. For the background I used latex paint and an acrylic paint pen for the borders around the picture of Waffles and the under paper.
Week 34 – Fill the page with numbers relating to your week.
When I did the background I didn’t care for it. I took a day to decide if I would keep it or if I would gesso over it and start again. I decided to keep it and once everything was done I liked it. I used latex paint for the background. I created the black spray patterns with india ink. For the writing I used acrylic paint markers, Faber-Castell brush pen and Uniball Signo white gel pen.
The Documented Life: Weeks 30, 31 & 32
I have been slacking with posting my Documented Life pages. I have been working on several projects so posting has gone by the wayside. Below are three weeks worth of pages. The last one will be posted when I am done with this week’s prompt. I also have a post on the zine I created for the 24 Hour Zine-a-thon that will go up in the next week.
Week 30 – Smash Book Style
Smash books have never interested me so I have never done one before. Hopefully this is somewhat smash book style.
Week 31 – Add a pocket and fill it with items from the week
I kept it simple this week. Most of the items for this week are from the Ingress Helios Anomaly as well as a sketch that I didn’t use for the zine I created during the 24 Hour Zine-a-thon. I will not be linking the website for the zine-a-thon because it was hacked a while ago and has malware and unfortunately the owner of the site has not corrected this yet. The owner doesn’t seem to be active on twitter or facebook either so I have decided not to bother mailing my zine to them.
Week 32 – Fortune from a fortune cookie
Decided to keep it simple. I really like how it came out.
The Documented Life Project: Week 29
The prompt for week 29 was to make a wishlist.
I decided to keep it simple this week. After gessoing the pages I dipped a wet brush into fluid water colors then tapped the brush on my left hand to create the splatters. I cut up an old manila folder and created the little pocket to store the wishes. The little tags in the pocket were also created with the old manila folders. One side of the tag has my wish with doodles and the other side just has doodles.
Back of the wish tags. -
The Documented Life Project: Week 28
Since half the year has gone by I decided to create a spread to acknowledge it.
I’m not too fond of my July calendar. It could have been better but certain things didn’t work out like I had hoped. There are a total of 50 stars; 31 for the days and 19 little stars.
The week 28 prompt is to add an instagram or tiny photo.
Since next week on the 15th is Chessie’s birthday I decided to create the prompt using a picture of Chessie. I created the background using torn strips of an old London road map and an advertisement that had patterns on it. The road map had letters and numbers on it, so since Chessie is turning 4 I made sure the 4 was still visible and I left the letter C visible as well since its her first initial. I painted over it with a purple acrylic wash so parts of it would still be visible. I used a black and a blue Sakura Identi-Pen and a white Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pen for the doodles.