24 Hour Art-a-thon
Art from the 24 Hour Art-a-thon
This post is late but I didn’t have a chance until this weekend to create it.
The art-a-thon went well and was a lot of fun. We only had a handful of people signed up but more signed up a couple of days before and by the time the day of the art-a-thon arrived we had about 30 people in the Facebook group. We might do it again but no idea when though.
I had planned to post after each prompt during the art-a-thon but I was unable to create the posts. Instead I posted to the Facebook group only; as it was easier and quicker to do. I had hoped to create something for each prompt but I wasn’t able to. I also didn’t create as much as I had hoped. It felt like I was going in slow motion.
However I did get to play with alcohol inks. They were a lot of fun. They might actually be one of my new favorite mediums to work with.
So much fun! I created many art pieces with the alcohol inks. I used shrink plastic and used a circle punch to create buttons. However I didn’t get to shrink them during the art-a-thon. I also created several splotch pieces that I will at some point go back to and turn into creatures or scenes. Below are pictures of some of the pieces I created.
Below are the other art pieces I created.
I really love how this came out. I may have to keep this for myself. This was created for the “Food with a Face” prompt. I had other drawings for this prompt but I did not finish them. Created for the “Circles, Circles, Circles” Prompt. Created for the “Inspired by a Song” prompt. Created for the “Encaustic” Prompt. I was unable to finish this as my heat gun kept overheating. This dice tower was created for the “Something with a Function” prompt. I created this for my husband for when he plays D&D. I didn’t get to finish it. It still needs at least 1 more coat of paint before I seal it. I might also create a banner to hang on the front. Below is what I created for the “Something Stuffed” prompt. I haven’t created anything like this in years. It was not easy so I kept it simple. When I first started it my husband said it kinda looked like a Carcasonne meeple. For those who don’t know what a meeple is, they are the little wooden characters that represent the player in games like Carcassonne. She isn’t a meeple but I’m not sure what she is. My stuffed creature is pictured below with a huge replica of a Carcassone meeple. She didn’t come out too bad. Her smile or frown though came out horrible.
Is that a smile, a frown or what? -
Goals for the 24 Hour Art-a-thon
The art-a-thon starts in just under a half hour so I decided to do a quick post on my goals for the art-a-thon.  I’m keeping my goals simple since I am one of the hosts and have other responsibilities today.  After each prompt is done I will create a post on here to show what I have created.  I will also be posting in the facebook group, on twitter and instagram.
1 – Create at least one item for each prompt.
This shouldn’t be too hard as long as I stay focused and don’t create something that will obviously take more than the 2 hours for each prompt.2 – Finally get to play with alcohol inks!
I purchased all the Tim Holtz Alcohol Inks with Christmas and birthday money but decided I wanted something new to try during the art-a-thon so I haven’t used them. I have been trying patiently to wait till today. Now the day is finally here and I can finally play with them.3- Be social
I am so not a social butterfly. I am quite the opposite but I will try my best. I am one of the hosts after all so being social is a big part it.4 – Have fun!
My Prizes for the 24 Hour Art-a-thon
For the art-a-thon all the hosts are giving away prizes. For the grand prize we decided on each giving art supplies and for regular prizes we decided on giving away items we have created. Below are the prizes participants may win from me. To view the prizes the other hosts are offering head over to the official art-a-thon site and view the prizes page.
For the grand prize I decided to give away some of my favorite art supplies. It was hard to settle on which of my favorites I would purchase for this since I have several supplies that are my favorite. I finally settled on Faber-Castell Big Brush Pitt Pens, Uniball Signo White Gel Pens and Strathmore Mixed Media Journal.
For the individual prizes I decided to give away my “White Rabbit” canvas painting which I created in February. Its part of my Alice in Wonderland series. To learn more about the painting see my post from February.
My last prize allows a winner to choose an art piece I create during the art-a-thon. At the end of the art-a-thon I will email the winner a list of art pieces they can choose from. Not everything I create will be available as some pieces may be from projects I am working on.
If you are interested in joining us for the 24 Hour Art-a-thon you can sign up here. Â If you have already signed up; Good Luck and see you on Saturday!!
I’m Co-Hosting a 24 Hour Art-a-thon!
For a while now I have wanted to host a 24 hour art-a-thon but I knew that it would be difficult to host it alone.  I finally decided this past summer to go forward with it and asked a few creative friends; Ruth of Twelve Squared Creations, Rhonda of Chase’s Creatures and Sarah of Wonderstrange to co-host with me.  They all agreed and were excited to be a part of this.
The 24 Hour Art-a-thon will be held March 21st, 2015 starting at 8am EST.  That’s a little over 3 weeks from today. The goal will be to create as much as you can in 24 hours. There is an over all theme for the art-a-thon  which will be “Spring” as well as prompts every 2 hours.  Both the theme and the prompts are optional.  If they don’t inspire you, you can create whatever you like. If you’re not into painting, art journaling or drawing you can write poetry or a short story or create jewelry.  The whole point of the art-a-thon is to be creative. You also don’t have to participate the entire 24 hours. If you can only participate for a few hours that is perfectly ok.  Just have fun and enjoy sharing with other creative people.
To sign up for the art-a-thon as well as learn more about it please visit our website – 24hourartathon.com.
We hope to see there!