• Alice in Wonderland Series,  Canvas,  Painting

    “White Rabbit” Canvas Painting

    I’ve always wanted to create my own interpretations of the Alice in Wonderland characters on canvas but I wasn’t sure I could do them well with my bad hands.  I finally decided I would stop worrying and just try my best.  I’m glad I did because I really like how the white rabbit turned out.



    For the whiskers I used jewelry wire and painted them white. I didn’t want the whiskers to be perfect so I bent and twisted a few.



    Close up of the texture created with one of my favorite stencils and modeling paste.



    For some reason on these canvases I purchased a while ago they stapled on the sides rather than on the back.  They were an eyesore so I decided to cover all the sides with modeling paste.  I just used my finger to spread it rather than a tool since I wanted it to be rough so it would add more texture.

    IMG_20150211_231502 (2)a


    Now that the “White Rabbit” is complete my goal is to create another character from the series before the year is over.  I’m not sure who it will be.  Maybe the Cheshire Cat or Alice herself.  What character would you like me to paint next?

  • 24 Hour Art-a-thon,  Challenges

    I’m Co-Hosting a 24 Hour Art-a-thon!



    For a while now I have wanted to host a 24 hour art-a-thon but I knew that it would be difficult to host it alone.  I finally decided this past summer to go forward with it and asked a few creative friends; Ruth of Twelve Squared Creations, Rhonda of Chase’s Creatures and Sarah of Wonderstrange to co-host with me.  They all agreed and were excited to be a part of this.

    The 24 Hour Art-a-thon will be held March 21st, 2015 starting at 8am EST.  That’s a little over 3 weeks from today. The goal will be to create as much as you can in 24 hours. There is an over all theme for the art-a-thon  which will be “Spring” as well as prompts every 2 hours.  Both the theme and the prompts are optional.  If they don’t inspire you, you can create whatever you like. If you’re not into painting, art journaling or drawing you can write poetry or a short story or create jewelry.  The whole point of the art-a-thon is to be creative. You also don’t have to participate the entire 24 hours. If you can only participate for a few hours that is perfectly ok.  Just have fun and enjoy sharing with other creative people.

    To sign up for the art-a-thon as well as learn more about it please visit our website – 24hourartathon.com.

    We hope to see there!




  • Goals

    Goals for 2015

    Well this is a bit late. I normally like to post my goals at the beginning of January but I have been busy. I’m keeping the goals this year simple. I’m also not actively participating in any weekly or monthly challenges with the exception of some challenges that aren’t all year. Last year I participated in The Documented Life Project which was weekly prompts and it felt like that was all I did. I didn’t create many things outside of the project and since I want to create more and not less I am not doing any. However if I come across a prompt in a challenge that interests me I might do it if I have time.

    This year I am also co-hosting a 24 Hour Art-a-thon with Rhonda of Chase’s Creatures, Ruth of Twelve Squared Creations and Sarah of Wonderstrange. I’m really looking forward to this. I will write a post in the next few days about it. For now if you are interested you can check out the website – 24hourartathon.com.

    1- Update Portfolio Section
    Last year I didn’t keep it up to date so I have to go back and add pieces I missed, as well as captions and links.

    2- Either a new website layout or refresh the current one

    3- New Business Cards

    4- Start an Alice in Wonderland Series on Canvas

    5- Finally print the Smile! Zine and work on and complete 2 of my other zine ideas

    6- More Original pieces on etsy store

    7- Create a Prompt Page

    8- Participate in 1 or all of the following challenges

  • ICAD Challenge
  • InkTober
  • NaNoJouMo
    9- Work on Fonts/Handlettering

    10- Try alcohol inks

  • Art Journal #5,  Art Journaling,  Challenges,  The Documented Life Project

    The Documented Life Project: Weeks 45 thru 48

    Week 45 – Add a Tab

    Created using Gelatos, washi tape and tabs.




    Week 46 – Incorporate fabric onto your page.

    I hate how this turned out.  I just wasn’t feeling very artsy this day.



    Week 47 – Add a map and document about it.

    Created using a torn map page, Distress Inks and a Sharpie marker.



    Week 48 – Depict Gratitude in a Creative Way

    Created using Distress Inks, Sakura Identi-Pens, Uniball Signo White Gel Pen and cardstock.


  • Art Journal #5,  Art Journaling,  Challenges,  The Documented Life Project

    The Documented Life Project: Week 49 thru 52

    Week 49 – Trace your hand

    Since Thanksgiving was close I decided to do a hand turkey like they used to have us do in grade school.  Created with Distress Ink, Sharpie Brush Markers and Sakura Micron Pens.



    Week 50 – Pick a Fantasy Vacation Spot and Make a Packing List.  Money is NO Object!

    I decided to go very much into fantasy.  Something I know would never happen since its not real.  I would want to take a vacation on the Tardis for at least a week with the 11th Doctor since he is my favorite.  I like how this turned out except I messed up the writing in the square below the window.  Created using Dylusion spray inks, cardstock, Sharpie Brush Markers, Uniball Signo White Gel Pen, Sakura Micron Pens and labels. The fez over the word madman is to represent the 11th Doctor.



    Week 51 – Arrows

    I also like how this turned out.  Its simple but playful.  Created using Dylusion Spray Inks, Sharpie Brush Marker and Sakura Identi-Pen.



    Week 52 – Document your family holiday tradition.  If you do not celebrate Christmas or a holiday this time of year then choose a holiday that you do celebrate with your family and document that.

    Created using Sharpie Brush Markers, acrylic paint and Sakura Stardust Pens.
