Art Journaling
NaNoJouMo Begins
Today is the start of NaNoWriMo also known as National Novel Writing Month. I had planned on participating this year after finally getting an idea after visiting Eastern State Penitentiary. However I was not feeling it. So I then decided I would do an Art Journaling challenge instead. I figured I would just art journal every day but even though art journaling every day would be tough it didn’t seem like a good enough challenge. Then around four this morning I remembered coming across an art journaling challenge a few months back and that I had pinned it on pintrest. The challenge is called NaNoJouMo also known as National Nonstop Journaling Month. Everyday in November Dawn will post a prompt of a song title from her personal playlist and we are then to interpret the song however we like in our art journals. I have never art journaled with prompts before. I usually just art journal whatever comes to mind or how I feel so I think this might be a bit of a challenge for me. Even though Dawn states that we don’t have to do it everyday, I plan on it. It will be another challenge on top of journaling with prompts.
The prompt for today is Let it Be by SuperChick. I had never heard the song or the group before. Below is how I felt like art journaling it. I used a brick stencil to create a sort of wall. Its representing all the things people have said and I have said to myself with the words let it be written on it. I originally planned on writing some of the things people had said and done to me on each brick but I didn’t want to get so personal. I also intended to make the writing graffiti-like but I don’t know how to write in graffiti. I then drew weeds with one flower because you should always be unique and be yourself. So I kept the page simple just saying to let it go, be yourself and be unique.
To participate in NaNoJouMo visit Dawn DeVries Sokol’s website. To view other participants art journal pages visit the NaNoJouMo Facebook Group and the NaNoJouMo Flickr Group.
“Let it Be”
Created 11/01/2013Created using Distress Inks, Dylusion Spray Inks, acrylic paint pens, Sakura Identi-Pen, Sakura Silver Shadow pen, Sakura Starburst Pens, white gel pen and torn dictionary pages on mixed media paper.I also created a page on starting NaNoJouMo. Its actually the first page in the journal. I kept it simple as well.
Created 11/01/2013Created using Distress Inks, white gel pen, Sakura Identi-Pens, acrylic paint and a map page on mixed media paper. -
Art Journal Pages for the Week Part 2
I thought I would have had more pages this week which is why I split them into two posts. However I was only able to finish two more pages. I do have a few in progress though.
This journal spread is about the idea I have for NaNoWriMo inspired by Eastern State Penitentiary. Even though I now have an idea for NaNoWriMo I’m still not sure if I want to participate. I don’t feel focused for writing. I still have a few days left to decide.
I used my fingers to spread the paint in the background and to spread the india ink and paint around the photos. It was messy but fun.
Created 10/23/2013
Created using acrylic paint, India Ink, photo images, torn dictionary pages and white gel pen on notebook paper.Page 1 Page 2 -
Art Journal Pages for the Week Part 1
Well since I already have several art journal pages and its only Tuesday I decided to post the ones I have so far. These pages were all in the journal I use to try new things. This week I received my order from Blick and I received some new things I haven’t played with before so I decided to try them out. I purchased Derwent Graphitint Pencils, Yasutomo Authentic Chinese Watercolors, Sakura Koi Watercolors in tubes, Black Cat India Ink in black, Dr. Martin’s Bombay India Ink, some Faber-Castell Pitt Pens, Copic Pens, Sanford Impact Gel Pens in gold, silver, red, black and blue and some miscellaneous little things. I also placed an order on Amazon for Royal & Langnickel Gouache Paint because the sets I wanted from Blick were out of stock.
“Escape the Mundane”
Created 10/19/2013
Created using gelatos, masking tape and acrylic paint pen.“Not Listening”
Created on 10/19/2013
Created using gelatos, gouache paint, torn dictionary pages and white gel pen.“Art Allows Me”
Created on 10/20/2013
Created using crayons and distress inks.
I wrote with the white crayon first and then I blended in the distress ink which allowed the white crayon to show through since the wax in the crayon resists the ink.“Question & Answers”
Created 10/20/2013
Created using gouache paint and gesso.
I was trying to see how it would react on paper that had gesso and paper that didn’t. The right side has gesso.Untitled
Created on 10/21/2013
Created using acrylic paint, and india ink.“Love”
Created 10/21/2013
Created using gesso, arcylic paint, Yasutomo Authentic Chinese Watercolors, india ink and Derwent Graphitint Pencils.
The pattern in the background was created by covering the page with gesso and then covering it with wax paper and then closing the journal. When it was dry I removed the wax paper and it left a pattern due to the wax paper and the journal paper becoming wrinkly when the gesso was wet. The pattern shows up really well with watercolors.
The smaller hearts had graphitint in the middle but when I used the wet brush on them the india ink mixed with it because I forgot to let it dry so I covered them with acrylic paint. -
Eastern State Penitentiary Art Journal Page
Last weekend I visited Eastern State Penitentiary with the hubby. He got us the tickets as part of my anniversary gift. Eastern State Penitentiary is located in Philadelphia and was built in 1829. It was one of the first true penitentiaries which inspired penitence through solitary confinement, religion and work. The exterior has a gothic look while the halls were made to give the feel of a church. The inmates cells were concrete walls with a metal door and a wooden door and it contained a single skylight to make them feel like God was always watching them. Eastern State Penitentiary housed some well known criminals such as Al Capone and Willie Sutton. Eventually the prison was closed in 1971 and while the government tried to figure out what to do with it the structures fell into decay and nature started to take over and the yards and cellblocks filled with trees and other plant life. Twenty three years later the prison was opened up for tours and is known as a living ruin because no real significant restoration is being done except for stabilizing the deterioration and keeping areas safe for tours.
It was a fun experience hearing the history of Eastern State Penitentiary and walking through its decayed halls and cells. I definitely recommend it if you are ever in Philadelphia.
I took a lot of pictures while there and decided to use them in an art journal spread. I might even create another page or 2 next week. I would have done it this week but I ran out of time. You can view my pictures here.
The full spread. The first page with photos I took at the prison in old cardboard slide frames. The second page with the prison name and a picture of the prison. The picture I printed out from a google search. I did different things with the slide frames. For the first one I bent it several times before painting it and attaching my photo. For the second slide frame I painted it and then added mesh tape to the top. To achieve that look in the back ground I covered the pages in black gesso and then painted over it in blue tempera paint. I then took a paper towel and pressed it down on the pages; removing some of the blue tempera paint and leaving the pattern from the paper towel on the wet paint.
To get the drips I mixed black acrylic paint with water and used a dropper to create the drips under the photos while I tilted the journal slightly. I’ve done this before on another page but I had used black spray ink. It was more transparent than the mixed acrylic paint and water. For this page I wanted something more opaque so I went with the acrylic paint and water. -
Art Journal 1: Beginnings
Back in February I started to art journal. What is art journaling? Art journaling is a way of expressing yourself in illustrated form in journals and diaries. It really has no set rules. Which is great because I don’t believe art should have rules. I believe you should be able to express yourself however you like. When I had first looked into art journaling a few years ago I had come across websites that stated art journaling had to be done a certain way and that there were certain rules to follow. Due to this I decided to not art journal but this year when I started to do artist trading cards I was again interested in art journaling. This time when I looked into it I found that the majority of art journalers don’t believe there are rules so I decided to start. You can read more about art journaling at Twelve Squared Creations or you can google art journaling and you will find many pages that talk about it.
I have had fun art journaling these past few months. My first art journals have been about figuring out what I like and don’t like, trying new techniques and trying my hardest to not be a perfectionist. That has been the hardest but it is something that doesn’t go well with art. So if I make a mistake I just keep going instead of tearing the page out and starting over. Despite how a page turns out I always post it. I have also tried not to plan anything. I just sit down at my art table and just do whatever comes to mind or express however I feel.
I completed my first art journal in August. There are a few pages I don’t like at all but there are many I like and a few I love. It has been a great experience and I plan to continue art journaling. Below is a slideshow with all the pages in my first completed art journal which I titled Beginnings. The images are in the order that they are in the journal and not in the order I created them. You can also view the pages in the portfolio section.
I hope you enjoy my art journal.
Art Journal 1 – “Beginnings”
Created using Slidely – Slideshow Maker.