Art Goals for 2014
Here are my art goals for the year.
1 – Do art everyday.
2 – Learn or create new fonts to use in my art.
3 – Finish my second art journal.
4 – Work on Journal Fodder 365.
5 – Work on The Documented Life Project.
6 – Work on the Shared Journal Project.
7 – Practice drawing faces.
8 – Host an atc swap.
9 – Create a zine with a selection of my art from 2013.
10 – Change name
11 – Update website
12 – Upload more to zazzle.
13 – More original atcs.
14 – More atc prints.
15 – Original postcards
16 – Greeting/Note cards
17 – Bookmarks
18 – Mini canvases
19 – Zentangle mini figures
20 – Cthulhu series
21 – Coloring Books
22 – Mini rubiks cubes
My Thoughts on The Documented Life Project
Since joining the facebook group for The Documented Life Project I have been irked by what I have seen. I saw so many people posting pictures of their prepped planners and they all looked the same. I didn’t understand why they were all the same. I thought maybe I had misunderstood the project’s description and that this was a group to create the same thing. I decided that if that was the way it was I would leave because I don’t like doing the same thing everybody else does. I looked again at the description and I had read it right. You could do this in any way you wanted. Knowing this it irked me even more that people wanted to be the same. To me doing the same thing is very boring and not very creative. I decided to stay and do my own thing like I had planned since the beginning.
I also noticed that people were running off and buying all these things because others in the group had them and were using them or because they had seen so many people with these items that they believed it was required. Again with this more of the same. Due to what new people to this type of work were seeing many became overwhelmed and quit or wanted to quit because they didn’t have the money to spend on all the items that they thought were required and with everything the same they felt lost. Like maybe they had missed something. Many were set on getting a moleskin because everyone was doing it and if they couldn’t get it they would get upset and say they couldn’t do this project anymore since they couldn’t find one. Thankfully there were some people that tried their best to let these people know that they didn’t really need any of those things and tried their best to convince them to stay. I even private messaged some in the hopes of helping them understand that they didn’t need all these things. That they could use whatever they had on hand. Hopefully some of them listened.
I think many people in this project are really over thinking it. Its a very simple project that really has no rules. You can do whatever you want, do it whenever you want and use whatever you want. You can do all the prompts or some and you can interpret them however you like. The whole point of this is to have fun and I think many people are forgetting that.
I am having fun and enjoying doing things my way. You can see my completed planner pages which consist of my goals for the year here and below are some pictures I took earlier this week on my week one progress. My completed week one pages will be up sometime tomorrow or Monday.
The calendar I made for January using 1 inch squares. On the pages of the planner I wrote down the things I wished to accomplish this week and glued down the upper part of the menu to the page. The rest of the planner pages I will fill in the rest of the week. I attached the menu from the new year’s eve event I attended and I wrote on the back of it about the event. Here you can see the back of the menu as well as my interpretation of the prompt for this week. I also attached a scratch off ticket I bought this week and wrote on the back of it. The back of the scratch off ticket and the other planner page that is waiting to be filled. Below are some tips that I hope can help those who are on a budget or feeling overwhelmed.
If you don’t have a moleskin journal that is ok. You can use an old book, a cheap composition notebook, a magazine, an old planner, a three ring binder, loose paper, cereal boxes and just about anything you can write on. If the paper is loose you can always bind it later or leave it as is or hole punch it and put in a 3 ring binder. If you are using an already bound book and want to add more pages you can tape them to the end of the pages in the book like the picture below or you can add them in the middle like the pictures you saw above.
There is also absolutely no need to prep every page now. You can do it as you go. If you were to go and rush through prepping things you may decide down the road that you don’t like it and now you have to go through the process of covering it up and changing it.
Do you have a pen or a pencil? You can do a lot with a regular pen and pencil. You can sketch, doodle, write and even color and shade in. If you want a white pen you can use a corrective pen. Just make sure to keep the tip clean as sometimes it can get clogged with the corrective fluid. If you have a little money to spend, sharpies are great. They can usually be found cheap and come in many colors.
If you wish to have paint go for the cheap stuff. There is really no need to go for expensive paint unless you plan to sell your work to galleries or collectors. The cheap paint works fine. I use Michael’s Artist Lofts paints, some cheap tempera paint and watercolors I bought on amazon. I think my most expensive items are the gelatos and my Koi fluid watercolors. I also tend to use cheap brushes because I can be hard on them. One of my favorite brushes is a cheap one I got in a variety pack. I do have some more expensive ones but I tend not to use them so much because I don’t want to be hard on them and ruin them. A used gift card is great for spreading paint on a page. So I recommend saving them.
If you don’t have washi tape you can use masking tape. Its very cheap and you can get a big roll almost anywhere. Home improvement stores may even have different colors. I have the regular beige one which is the cheapest, a green one and a yellow one that are actually for painting automobiles. Masking tape can be painted on, drawn on and written on. You could also use the corrective tape pens if you have one. They can be written on and drawn on as well. Though the strips will be thinner so you may have to do a few next to each other to make it wide enough for what you want to do with it. You also need to make sure you place it where you want it as its almost impossible to remove.
If you don’t have any stencils just have a look around your home. You should have tons of things to create shapes, lines and texture. You can use tops of bottles and containers for various sized circle shapes. They may also come in other shapes too. Like the oval rectangle lid of the Hershey’s Cocoa Powder. With lids, one side can be used to get a filled in shape when you use it with inks and paints and the other side will give you the outline of the shape. You can also get circles from cans of soda and even the stick from a foam brush. You can pull off the foam part and the plastic its attached to. That end will create an outline for a circle while the other end creates a filled in shape. Plastic forks can be used to create lines. The eraser on a pencil can create circles. The plastic cover under the cap of new deodorants can be used to make the outline of oval shapes. I also save the card board that holds game pieces of a new game. They usually have interesting shapes as well as regular shapes like triangles and circles. Skewers can be used to write and draw in paint. Bubble wrap and cardboard can be used to create patterns and texture. A paper towel with pressed in patterns can be placed and pressed into any wet paint, watercolors or inks and then removed and the pattern will be left behind. Though some brands now do incorporate their name or logo with in the pattern so you may want to avoid using those areas. I actually have a post going up at the end of next week about using items around the house. I was emailed by a fellow artist on how I got a certain shape and how I seemed to get perfect circles so after responding to her I decided to make it a post. The post will have some examples on what these items create.
Here are a few of the items I use from things I had on hand around the house. I hope those few things help some of you. Remember don’t stress, be unique and have fun.
Art Challenges for 2014
I decided this year to participate in some challenges. I’ve decided to do The Documented Life Project which in their words is
One part planner plus one part art journal and one part weekly challenge equals an amazing year of organization, inspiration and community.
It seems interesting. I am not much for planners so I’m not sure how this will go. Though I do have some ideas. I’m not going to spend money on buying a planner as I have one my husband purchased a few years ago on clearance at Borders. Its a daily sundial planner.
I will be using it as a weekly planner. I will use the section that says Tasks at the bottom of each page to list the things I want to do for the week. I like the sundial and would like to incorporate it into my art whenever possible but I think most of the time it will be covered. I plan to use the space above the tasks to doodle, sketch, draw, paint etc about things that happened during the week. Depending on how many tasks I have I may use both pages for the week and then add in a page for the weekly prompt. If I only use one page then I will probably use the other for the weekly prompts.
I have already done some pages. I like having my goals set before starting a new year so I created the goals section and I created a calender for January with a pocket to store things pertaining to that month. At the end of each week I will post about the prompt and the finished week’s pages.
Below are the pages I created so far. You can click the images to see a larger version.
I plan to add more to the inside cover but haven’t decided yet if I want to create an envelope to hold stuff or if I want to draw something. A saying and a title section for goals. The folded pages opened up with quotes about goals. Quotes about goals and new year. Quotes about goals and new year. Opening the spread. The first section of my various goals. Second section of goals. January calendar with quotes about the new year. The January calender. I left space around it so I can add things from the month to it. A pocket I created by gluing two pages together. I can put little things that pertain to the month in here. I also plan on participating in the Sketchbook Challenge. For this challenge there will be a monthly theme to use when creating art. From my understanding there doesn’t seem to be a set number of pieces we need to do in the month.
My friend Ruth has gotten a group of us to take part in a Shared Journaling Experience. It will start later this month and will last for 12 weeks. I’m really looking forward to this and to learning more about all these great women.
I think that will probably be it for now. If I happen to come across another awesome challenge I may join but I really don’t want to spread myself too thin as I do have many other things I need to do this year.
Christmas ATCs Group 5
Christmas ATC Group 4
Here are 10 more Christmas ATCs.
To view the other Christmas ATCs click below.