• Art Journal #5,  Art Journaling,  Challenges,  The Documented Life Project

    The Documented Life: Week 37

    Week 37 – Use a white pen prominently.

    I kept it simple.  The background was created using acrylic paint with a rubber brayer. I then used a Uniball Signo white gel pen to write the words that dealt with this week.  For the border I used the Uniball gel pen and the Faber-Castell Big Brush Pitt pen.  I had started writing a message in morse code for the border but messed it up.  I still kept using dashes and dots though for the border but its just gibberish.


  • Art Journal #5,  Art Journaling,  Challenges,  The Documented Life Project

    The Documented Life: Week 36

    Week 36 – Black & White

    I decided that the spread for this week would be entirely black & white even the pictures.  First I gessoed the pages and then painted them black with acrylic paint.  I dipped a finger in the gesso then sloppily ran it along the edges of the pages.  I created the flowers on label paper using a Sharpie and a Sakura Identi-pen and then placed buttons in the middle of each flower.  I also used smaller buttons to create little flying bugs.  I converted the pictures to black & white and then did all the writing with a Uniball Signo White Gel Pen.  The stems and the photo border were created using a Faber-Castell Pitt Big Brush White Pen.




  • Shared Journaling Experience

    Shared Journaling Experience: Sum Sum Summertime Week 1

    Ruth at Twelve Squared Creations is starting a new prompted writing and art journaling project on her site. I originally was part of a test group for her first one.  It was fun and allowed you to be as creative as you wanted. It was great seeing how differently others interpreted the prompts.  I highly recommend it.

    The prompt for week one is an iconic summer memory, like the scene in Grease. When I saw the prompt I immediately knew what I would do.  The image of a ferris wheel from Playland which was an amusement park I used to go to with my family growing up and fireworks came to mind.  We always had a lot of fun there and went several times in the summer. Even though it technically should be done with a group and currently I am only a group of one I still wanted to do it.

    I originally planned on it being night with the ferris wheel in the forefront and fireworks in the background.  However I got distracted and used a light blue gelato instead so I had to leave out the fireworks.  The background looked a bit empty so I added some birds.  The birds and ferris wheel were created with Faber-Castell Pitt Brush Pens.  The page border and word borders were created using distress inks.  I attached the admit one tickets and the words with scor tape. I included four tickets because my family was a family of four. So one ticket for each of us; my mom, dad, brother and me.

    IMG_2675a copy1




  • Art Journaling,  Prompts,  Round Robin Journaling

    Round Robin Journaling 2014



    In July I started working on a Round Robin Journal with Ruth of Twelve Squared Creations. We originally had planned for at least someone else to join us but they were unable to due to their busy schedule.  Technically its not a true round robin since there are only two of us. Had there been more participants the journal would have gone to one person and once they finished with the prompts it would be mailed to the next person and so on until it eventually returned to the owner who would then have a collection of works from all participants of the group.  If things go well this time I will most likely create another sometime next year and hopefully with more participants so that it is a true round robin.

    We each came up with several prompts for the journals then chose 10 of those prompts to do and started working on them in August. Our deadline is to finish the journals by the end of November.  Though it is flexible since we are both busy.  Our journals will be 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches and will be bound using the arc system by staples. We both have the arc punch so we can easily add our pages and create our own covers.  There really aren’t any rules except to be creative when doing them and to only give sneak peeks of the prompts instead of showing everything.  This way when we get our journals we can be surprised.

    Every once in a while I will post sneak peeks of the prompts.  Most likely two prompts at a time.

    Below are the prompts we decided to work on.

    1– Things you love

    2– Things you hate/pet peeves

    3– A brief look into your bucket list

    4– Create some Graffiti

    5– Create a doodle and hide these 5 things within the doodle.

    • Cat
    • Mouse
    • Worm
    • Dice
    • Key

    6– Fill a page with stickers.  (Any sticker can be used even stickers from fruits & veggies!)

    7- Blackout Poetry

    8- Favorite painting from your Favorite artist. Have the other create an inspired painting, drawing etc based on it.

    • Melissa’s Favorite Artist is Vincent Van Gogh. Favorite Painting Starry Night.
    • Ruth’s Favorite Artist is Joseph Stella. Favorite painting Brooklyn Bridge – Night View.

    9- If you could meet 3 people living or dead who would they be?

    10- Scavenger Hunt

    • Button
    • Robot
    • Something Yellow
    • Fortune from a Cookie
    • A Logo

    Also the following:

    • Back Cover
    • Pet Rock


  • Art Journal #5,  Art Journaling,  Challenges,  The Documented Life Project

    The Documented Life: Week 35

    Week 35 – Draw, sketch, paint, doodle a face or cut and alter one from a book or magazine. 

    When I saw the prompt for this week I immediately knew I wanted to draw half of a woman’s face and have her hair be colorful and take up both pages.  It didn’t quite come out as I had pictured it in my head and her face is a bit odd but I like it regardless.  The face was created using Faber-Castell Pitt Brush Artist Pens. After coloring her face in I used a barely damp cloth to smooth out her skin color and soften the lines of her nose and mouth.  For her hair I used gelatos and Faber-Castell Pitt Brush Artist Pens and for the writing I used Uniball Signo White Gell Pen.


