• Art Journaling,  Round Robin Journaling

    Round Robin Journaling: Extras

    I of course couldn’t only do the prompts.  I created several extra pages and goodies. I also included a box filled with various goodies as a Thank you for participating.



    This first folder was created using Distress Inks on manila paper.


    Filled with purchased stickers.



    This folder was created with acrylic paints, Distress Inks and eyelets on manila paper.




    Filled with some stickers I created.


    Quotes & Sayings

    These were created with colored pencils, inks, acrylic paints, Sharpies, Sakura Micron Pens, Uniball Signo White Gel Pen and labels.










    Created with Sharpies and Sakura Identi-Pens.




    Extra Separate Art Piece

    I enjoyed creating graffiti so I decided to create a simple piece with Ruth’s Blog name. It isn’t in the journal as its a separate piece that she can frame and hang somewhere if she wants.  It was created using Sharpie Brush Pens and Sakura Micron Pens.




    Decided to do a printout of the prompts to place at the beginning of the journal.  I used the image of a background I had created for something else to be the background for the prompts.





    Wrapping Paper

    I decided I would wrap the journal and the art piece but instead of using store bought wrapping paper I decided to create my own using acrylic paint and thin kraft paper.




  • Art Journaling,  Round Robin Journaling

    Round Robin Journaling: Back Cover and Pet Rock Sneak Peak

    Back Cover

    To create the back cover I used chipboard since its thicker then cardstock. I covered it in wrinkled tissue paper for texture using gel matte medium and painted it using latex and acrylic paint. I used label paper and rice paper to create some of the pieces.  I also used masking tape, labels, stickersm acrylic paint pen and Sharpie Brush Pens.




    Pet Rock

    I had a hard time finding a rock but eventually I found one.  I actually used two rocks.  Basically my pet rock has a pet rock.  I gessoed both rocks and painted them using acrylic paint and Faber-Castell Brush Pens.  For one of the rocks I used gears, pebbles, tubes and a few other items.  I also created a little back story for my pet rocks which I included in the journal.




  • Art Journaling,  Round Robin Journaling

    Round Robin Journaling: Favorite Painting and 3 People You Would Like to Meet Sneak Peek

    Favorite painting from your Favorite artist. Have the other create an inspired painting, drawing etc based on it.

    • Ruth’s Favorite Artist is Joseph Stella. Favorite painting Brooklyn Bridge – Night View.

    I had a really hard time with this one.  I wanted to do this one using a bridge from her hometown or atleast her state but none of the bridges “called to me” so I decided to use the Benjamin Franklin Bridge from Philadelphia. I created this prompt with watercolor crayons, Sakura Micron Pens, Sharpies and Uniball Signo White Gel Pen.



    If you could meet 3 people living or dead who would they be?

    Page was created with watercolor crayons, Sakura Micron and Identi-Pens.  I hand drew my three people.

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  • Art Journal #3,  Art Journaling,  Challenges,  NaNoJouMo

    NaNoJouMo: Day 26 thru Day 30

    Was unable to complete these during the prompts day due to the holiday and celebrating Thanksgiving twice.


    Day 26 – Shining Star by Earth, Wind & Fire

    The face didn’t come out too bad.  However her hair is a bit big. Created using watercolor crayons, Sharpies, Uniball White gel pen and Sakura Micron pens for the face and Sharpies and Sakura Stardust Gel pen for the stars.



    Day 27 – Catch a Falling Star by Block

    Created using watercolor crayons, Sharpies and Sakura Stardust Gel Pen.



    Day 28 – Do You? by Spoon

    Created using acrylic paint, Sakura Micron Pen and labels.



    Day 29 – Higher Ground by Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Couldn’t think of anything so I just went with a quick doodle.  My handwriting is horrible here. Created using acrylic paint pen and Uniball Signo White Gel pen.



    Day 30 – Brave by Sara Barielles

    Had a hard time coming up with something for this one even though I like the song.  My handwriting is also horrible here too. Created using acrylic paint, watercolors, acrylic paint marker, Sharpies and Sakura Micron pen.






  • Art Journaling,  Round Robin Journaling

    Round Robin Journaling: Create a Doodle and Blackout Poetry Sneak Peek

    Create a Doodle and Hide these Five Items within the Doodle – Cat, Worm, Mouse, Dice and Key

    I created this on the front and back of a folded watercolor paper using a Sakura Micron Pen. I hid the items along with several others in a garden-like scene.

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    Blackout Poetry

    I had a hard time doing blackout from pages from novels but when I switched to poetry I had a much easier time.  I decided instead of just blacking out I would draw and doodle using Sharpie Brush markers and Sakura Pigma pens.
