The Documented Life Project: Week 3
The prompt for week 3 was to add an envelope. I decided to use two envelopes that I had received from my friend Ruth which she had drawn on. I made them into pockets and altered them a bit and did my best to not loose any of her art.

Below are my planner pages for the week. They are best viewed if you click on them for a larger image. Since the prompt was to use an envelope I decided to use other mail related items on my pages. The card that says “Love Yourself” is actually a postcard I had made of a picture I took two years ago. See the second image below to see the postcard’s picture. The card on the right hand side is from a credit card offer. The stamp below that is from the first envelope I altered for the prompt.
One Comment
Ruth Hinman
I didn’t get much done in my own journals this week and I am so inspired by your pieces that I believe I must sit down today and just pour into at least one journal! Your use of the “spaces” on the page to tell different parts of the story and the photograph are just really stellar. Man I love your artwork! (I already said that somewhere else) Your style is so distinctive and so very much your own! What an inspiring page! Keep up the awesomeness!