The Documented Life Project: Week 1
The prompt for week 1 was to photograph, sketch, paint or incorporate your front door. Even though I created my door on the 1st I wanted to wait to post it here until I was done with my week one planner pages.
Rather than take a picture of my door I decided to draw and paint my front door. However I decided to paint it in the colors I wish it was instead of the green it currently is. Though I really would like a black door but my husband has said “No one paints doors in black”. Though I have been told by several of the members in the facebook group that people do indeed paint them black and one person even sent me a pinterest link to show him.
For me the front door is the entrance to my sanctuary. My home is where I feel the most comfortable and the safest to be me. I enjoy being home. Though I have become too accustom to it and really only go out into the world during the weekend. It has never really bothered me because like I said I enjoy being home but its something that seems to bother other people and I’ve been told I need to change; as I am apparently becoming a hermit.
When creating my door I decided to allow it to open so I could write behind it. I wrote “The front door is the entrance to my sanctuary. To the place I feel the safest to be me.. To those I hold very close to my heart.. But I fear I have grown too accustom to it. I know that in order to grow I must step into the light every now and then…” I also drew in my two kitties looking out of the window. I included them because this home is also their sanctuary. They both had a rough start at life before we adopted them from the shelters and now they are both safe, healthy and spoiled.

Here are my planner pages for week one. I included things from the new year’s event we attended, the prompt for the week, an expensive scratch off ticket I bought and wrote about things that happened this week. I also doodled a bit. You can click the images to get a larger image that will make it easier to read.