Art Journal Page for the Week
Not much was done this week because I have been resting. Last Thursday I went to the E.R. because I was in a lot of pain in my thigh. The pain was excruciating. I could barely walk. After ruling out a few things the doctor came to the conclusion I had pulled/strained my hamstring. He gave me some medication and sent me home. Unfortunately the medication didn’t work at all. I had to wait five days until I could see my family doctor. When I finally saw her she prescribed me two different medications; one was for the pain and the other was a muscle relaxant. Thankfully these two medications have been working and along with lots of rest they are making the pain tolerable.
I created this page expressing the pain I have been feeling. In the middle I have the medications I have been taking to control the pain. I covered the words with drywall tape as a “bandage” containing them.

Created 7/5/2013