Art Journal Pages for the Week
This week I did a few more pages. I really like how these turned out.

Created using inks, acrylic paint, dictionary punch outs and magazine clippings.
Created 3/27/2013

Created using tempera paint, ink, sharpies and dictionary punch outs.
Created 3/27/2013

Created using black gesso and Sakura Moonlight pens.
Created 3/28/2013
I decided to play with black gesso and Sakura Moonlight pens for the first time.
I really like how the large pink flower at the bottom came out.

Created using ink, sharpies, oil pastels, magazine clippings and dictionary pages.
Created 3/29/2013Well this wasn’t what I had planned on doing but I like it. I’m not a girly girl. I hate wearing dresses and shoes. I hate going to big party events. I’m a jeans and boots kinda girl. I prefer very small casual get togethers,