Art Journaling
Art Journal Pages for the Week
Only did one page this week because I have been busy reading for the Spring into Horror Read-a-thon. I created this page because I would like to read more books then I did last read-a-thon.
Created using dry mesh tape, aluminum tape, spray inks, acrylic paint pen and acrylic paint on watercolor paper.
Created 4/22/2013 -
Art Journal Pages for the Week
Here are the pages I created this week. The pages are kind of meh. I like the first one best. Though I love the way the plum acrylic background came out on the last one.
“Artsy Fun”
Created using ink, acrylic paint, Sakura Micron Fine Line pens, buttons and ink markers on watercolor paper.
Created 4/14/2013I went to the Scrapbook Expo in Oaks on Saturday and purchased a few rubber stamps, inks, stencils and buttons.
“So Out of Focus”
Created using spray inks and acrylic paint pen on watercolor paper.
Created 4/18/2013I went to the Scrapbook Expo in Oaks on Saturday and purchased a few rubber stamps, inks, stencils and buttons.
“Not as Planned”
Created using watercolor crayons, sharpies, acrylic paint marker and spray ink on watercolor paper.
Created 4/18/2013“Imagine”
Created using acrylic paint, acrylic paint markers, old dictionary pages, iridescent gel medium, gelatos and buttons on watercolor paper.
Created 4/19/2013I love the way the background turned out with the acrylic paint but not sure about everything else. The butterfly wing is purple and blue but with the iridescent gel medium on top it doesn’t show up in the picture.
Art Journal Pages for the Week
This week I was able to art journal every day except Thursday because I had a really bad migraine. I don’t count weekends because I am usally too busy to work on art journaling. I also journaled a lot more than before. I usually don’t write much because I like being private. I also hate my handwriting since due to carpal tunnel my hands shake quite a bit when I do a lot of writing, drawing, crafting etc.
While searching for technique videos on youtube I came across Lesile Herger’s Sharpie Ghost Technique. I like how I can journal about anything especially something I may not wish to share but still be able to let people see the page. One of my pages was created with this technique. I will definitely be using this technique again in the future.
I also created a page that I really dislike and really didn’t want to post. I wasn’t feeling well when I created it on Monday. It started out fine until I created the face. I probably should have tried to peel it off and maybe gotten something neat from it but instead I chose to finish the face off and let it be.
Here are my pages for this week. You can click on them to get a larger image.
“I Hate Bunnies”
Created using black gesso, red acrylic paint, red ink, black sharpies, red & pink 3D glaze pens and polyester fill on watercolor paper.
Created 4/8/2013“Who Knows”
Created using gelatos, torn dictionary pages, paper flowers on watercolor paper.
Created 4/08/2013I really don’t like this one. Didn’t turn out like I had planned.
“All Things are Possible”
Created using gelatos, gesso, sharpies, ink, 3D glaze pens, souffle pens and dictionary punchouts on watercolor paper.
Created 4/09/2013This is the page that I used Lesile Herger’s Sharpie Ghosting Technique.
“Enjoy the Experience” Created using spray inks, acrylic paints, acrylic pens and souffle pens on watercolor paper.
Created 4/09/2013“Day Dreaming”
Created using gelatos, acrylic paints and sharpies on watercolor paper.
Created 4/10/2013“Finding New Dreams”
Created using spray inks, arcylic paint, ink, washi tape, Sakura Micron Pens on watercolor paper.
Created 4/12/2013 -
Art Journal Pages for the Week
Here are the pages I created this week. You can click the images to get a larger and easier to read version.
“Dark Dreams”
Created using watercolors and watercolor crayons.Created 4/1/2013
I had created the black and purple tunnel a while ago but even though I liked it I couldn’t think of what to put on it. Then while searching for a dream quote I came across this Edgar Allan Poe quote and I thought it would be perfect for this page. I then added the silhouette figure of a woman staring into the dark tunnel.“Dreamer”
Created using inks, acrylic paint, washi tape and punchouts on watercolor paper.
Created 4/1/2013.I tore out pages from an old dictionary that had to do with dreams. I then found this quote about dreams from Harriet Tubman that I really liked. Unfortunately the glue mixed a bit with the paint I thought was dry and seeped through the quote.
Created using pearlescent watercolors, oil pastels and acrylic paint on watercolor paper.
Created 4/2/2013.I wrote love in 7 different languages. The languages are English, Spanish, German, French, Romanian, Czech and Icelandic. Unfortunately its hard to see all of them in the picture.
Art Journal Pages for the Week
This week I did a few more pages. I really like how these turned out.
“Fight for Your Dreams”
Created using inks, acrylic paint, dictionary punch outs and magazine clippings.
Created 3/27/2013“Love Whoever You Choose”
Created using tempera paint, ink, sharpies and dictionary punch outs.
Created 3/27/2013“Just Having Fun”
Created using black gesso and Sakura Moonlight pens.
Created 3/28/2013I decided to play with black gesso and Sakura Moonlight pens for the first time.
I really like how the large pink flower at the bottom came out.“This is so Not Me”
Created using ink, sharpies, oil pastels, magazine clippings and dictionary pages.Created 3/29/2013Well this wasn’t what I had planned on doing but I like it. I’m not a girly girl. I hate wearing dresses and shoes. I hate going to big party events. I’m a jeans and boots kinda girl. I prefer very small casual get togethers,