NaNoJouMo & Art Every Day Month Day 9
Today’s prompt is “Yellow” by Coldplay.
After hearing this song twice the only thing I could think of was that yellow is a bright and happy color. So I decided to make the page about being happy. I first created a background with india inks and spray inks. I liked it but didn’t know where to go from there. You can see that page below the one I completed. I then worked on another page. The shape that you see was created by using the plastic that connects three bottles of ketchup together as a stencil. I used it on the page I didn’t complete as well.
To participate in NaNoJouMo visit Dawn DeVries Sokol’s website. To view other participants art journal pages visit the NaNoJouMo Facebook Group and the NaNoJouMo Flickr Group.

Created 11/9/2013Created using acrylic paint, acrylic paint marker, Sakura Micron Pens and white gel pen on mixed media paper.

Below is my entry for Art Every Day Month.
I’m not sure what happened here. I had used 3 different distress inks to create a really neat background but once I was done and some time passed the color had changed completely to what you see now.
To participate in Art Every Day Month or to view other participants entries visit Leah’s blog, Creative Every Day.

Created 11/9/2013Created using Distress Inks, acrylic paint markers and white gel pen.