Art Journal Pages for the Week
This week I was able to art journal every day except Thursday because I had a really bad migraine. I don’t count weekends because I am usally too busy to work on art journaling. I also journaled a lot more than before. I usually don’t write much because I like being private. I also hate my handwriting since due to carpal tunnel my hands shake quite a bit when I do a lot of writing, drawing, crafting etc.
While searching for technique videos on youtube I came across Lesile Herger’s Sharpie Ghost Technique. I like how I can journal about anything especially something I may not wish to share but still be able to let people see the page. One of my pages was created with this technique. I will definitely be using this technique again in the future.
I also created a page that I really dislike and really didn’t want to post. I wasn’t feeling well when I created it on Monday. It started out fine until I created the face. I probably should have tried to peel it off and maybe gotten something neat from it but instead I chose to finish the face off and let it be.
Here are my pages for this week. You can click on them to get a larger image.

Created using black gesso, red acrylic paint, red ink, black sharpies, red & pink 3D glaze pens and polyester fill on watercolor paper.
Created 4/8/2013

Created using gelatos, torn dictionary pages, paper flowers on watercolor paper.
Created 4/08/2013
I really don’t like this one. Didn’t turn out like I had planned.

Created using gelatos, gesso, sharpies, ink, 3D glaze pens, souffle pens and dictionary punchouts on watercolor paper.
Created 4/09/2013
This is the page that I used Lesile Herger’s Sharpie Ghosting Technique.

Created using spray inks, acrylic paints, acrylic pens and souffle pens on watercolor paper.
Created 4/09/2013

Created using gelatos, acrylic paints and sharpies on watercolor paper.
Created 4/10/2013

Created using spray inks, arcylic paint, ink, washi tape, Sakura Micron Pens on watercolor paper.
Created 4/12/2013
The Creature Card Creation Project
THe bunnies is hilarious! Wonderful view into your thoughts.
lol Ever since I was a kid I never liked bunnies. I’m not sure why. Then as an adult we rescued a neglected bunny and even though I was the one that would feed him, give him treats and take care of him he bit me pretty bad a couple of times for no reason. I think he liked the taste of blood. 🙁